Dear Lions Bay Residents, In recent weeks many residents have asked why the Weekly Village Update no longer publishes a Mayor’s Message. Due to a council vote of 3 to 2, a resolution was passed that effectively “Gags the Mayor” from publishing in the Village Weekly Update.
This disturbing censorship of Free Speech is addressed below in my Canada Day Message, which was delivered at the Lions Bay Beach Park and celebrated our wonderful Country:
Hello Lions Bay, I hope you are enjoying our wonderful community on this very special Canada Day. As we celebrate together, I think it is important to reflect on what we have here in Canada, the things we take for granted and the things we cherish. Canada Day has always been special to me particularly after I had the opportunity to wear this jersey at two Olympics. While representing Canada on the ice, I visited a number of countries who were at that time, behind the iron curtain. The iron curtain was a veil, a wall against freedom, liberty, and free speech. This experience of seeing tyranny firsthand always made me appreciate Canada when I returned home. Canada is a beautiful Country, a Country that has the Charter of Freedom and Rights, Access to Information, and Privacy Acts, all cornerstones of our democracy. We have freedom of expression, freedom to choose our own path, and freedom of speech. These will enable and empower all of us, as citizens, immigrants, and residents alike to fully participate in our democracy, on the Federal level, Provincially and also here in Lions Bay. All of this enables us to disagree, and debate, but in the end, we have to find the common ground that help move our communities forward. We owe this to ourselves, our children and those that have made the bold and often difficult decision to leave their countries behind and come to Canada. I am proud and heartened as your Mayor that we are trying to do that here in our beautiful village. It comes with ups and downs; it comes with taking responsibility and making difficult choices. But together we can and will get there. Every day we are making small gains and micro steps to ensure that Lions Bay, and in turn British Columbia and Canada/ are a better place. That is what we can celebrate here today, together. It also means that we have a lot to be thankful for living in this wonderful country even as darker forces outside this country try to extinguish the freedoms we so cherish. The world is facing many challenges and it is therefore all the more reason to collaborate and ensure that what we create here at home is not only preserved, but that we can communicate those achievements and values to the rest of the world. We bring a lot from all over the world to Canada, and now as Canadians we can and will bring a lot to the rest of the world. By reflecting on what is happening around the world, we are better able to see ourselves and what we have accomplished, together. So today I encourage you to celebrate our freedoms and our responsibilities to collaborate together in order to give meaning to these freedoms. Celebrate the Canada we love and enjoy Canada Day! Ken Berry